Saturday, January 16, 2010

14th Feb, 2010
Saint Valentine's Day!!
Well, it would have been more appropriate to go out and have fun tonight, but here I am snuggled under the blanket eating chocolate chip cookies and writing about my journey so far....
Journey?? Yes!! my journey to reclaim my rose, my journey to discover the world and my journey to unravel myself...phew!!
It all started about six months back when I had this mere idea of going on a student exchange...and why not, after-all one of my life long dream has been to travel around the world and to add to it I was already working for the international relations in my college...
Ah, but its not like you have an idea and you grab your backpack and off you go flying...well not at least in my part of the world :)
And so I had to toil and struggle even before my adventurous journey began...
to be continued...

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